Gaining a Vision for Your Life

December 29, 2015

“The greatest tragedy in life are people 
who have sight, but no vision.”
Helen Keller

At the end of every season—we often find ourselves in a calm after the storm, or that eerie quiet before a new one hits.

Take time to catch your breath this week, to purposefully rest, reflect, and re-evaluate. As you regroup and prepare for a new week, pause to ask yourself if this is where you want to be one year from today.

Your New Year can start right now: Re-envision how your life might look twelve months from now. Your ability to imagine something different is proof that more is possible. 

A vision is God’s way of telling you there is more to life.

And without a vision, you’re not really living at all. Solomon, known as the wisest man who ever lived, wrote that “without a vision, people perish.” Why? 

Because without a vision, your life is directionless—and without a clear sense of direction, you “cast off restraint.” That is how another translation interprets Solomon’s words; simply put, you self-destruct. 

Vision brings the clarity and direction you need to 
grow, thrive, and succeed. 

Vision is perhaps the single most important spiritual force that not only shapes our lives, but also shapes our world. By it, lives are enhanced, purpose is actualized, and potential is maximized.

Click here for a free instant MP3 download: Gaining a Vision for Your Life

Winston Churchill said, “History will be kind to me because I intend to write it.” Write your vision this week for the history you intend to make throughout this coming year…and share it on Facebook with #HistoryMakers2016!  

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