Start Something Amazing

October 15, 2018

“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12 NKJV

If you seek to be wise, you must learn to number your days—you must learn to maximize the time you’ve been gifted each and every day.

God is the creator of time—it is the first thing He created in the beginning.

“In the beginning God created.”
Genesis 1:1 NCV

According to Hebrew tradition, what this means is that God is the Originator of beginnings—and the beginning He began is what we call “time.”

Whatever begins with God—or whatever God begins—must end well.

“God looked at everything He had made, and it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31 NCV

So let me ask you, “How do you begin your day?” Or better, “Who is in the beginning of your day…your year…your business?”

How and in Whom do you begin every endeavor?

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If you begin your day with God—if you begin your relationships with God—if you begin your strategies with God—your business with God…

However you begin your beginning, if you begin and end with God, you will prosper in all you do.

God will cause your life to expand as you seek Him and trust Him to build your capacity for more.

“The Lord shall increase you more and more.”
Psalm 115:14-15

Everything God creates—everything He begins—is to fulfill a purpose.

God created time with a purpose and for a purpose. Because the beginning of time was the first thing He created, it was a priority.

That means correctly harnessing your time, especially your beginnings, should be a priority for you—and it is why we must learn to number our days.

Ask God what you should be doing at the beginning of each day, week, month, season, and year.

Ask God what amazing thing you should be starting.

Make every day on this earth count by asking God what new thing He wants to show you.

Ask Him to teach you not only how to take advantage of opportunities, but how to create opportunities for yourself and others.

Make God the manager of everything you do, especially what you do with your time.

Ask God to prioritize your activities.

Allow nothing else to control or manage your time but God.

Ask Him to teach you how to manage your activities according to specific time frames. This is as close as you will come to managing time.

God is the creator of time—He is the manager of time—therefore you cannot manage time. You can, however, manage your activities within specific time frames.

You can begin your beginning with God.

Start something amazing and begin your day with God!

You can rejoice knowing your day is the day the Lord has made—you can rejoice knowing what begins with God will end amazing.

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God. He is the One Who made all light.”
James 1:17 NLV

If you need light, you need the One Who made all light.

If you need an idea or inspiration, a solution or resolution, clarity or direction, you need to begin with God.

God will cause your life to fill with light. It may have started in a dark place on a low note, but it is going to end on a high note!

Join me at EYYS and let’s end and begin on a high note!

Let’s start something amazing at End Your Year Strong 2018!

Doing Life with You

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