Melissa Killian

A Recipe for Victory!

“Always give thanks for everything to our God and Father.”
Ephesians 5:20 TLB

This week here in the United States we are celebrating Thanksgiving.

The history of this annual tradition dates back to the original colonists—and was proclaimed a national holiday by the first president, George Washington. 

Thomas Jefferson chose not to observe the holiday and for more than half a century it was not regularly celebrated.

In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a federal holiday to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every November.

“Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”
Abraham Lincoln

The Civil War came to an end eighteen months later.

Now more than ever we need to pause and offer “thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father” to turn the tides of oppression, injustice, and violence.

Join me for An Extravagant Night of Worship at End Your Year Strong 2018!

No matter what you’re battling, your recipe for victory is extravagant praise and thanksgiving.

It’s a matter of what you choose to glorify—whether you glorify the problem or the Solution.

Will you magnify the works of the enemy or the promises found in God’s Word?

Where will you choose to put your focus?

Too often we focus on the what chastises our peace rather than on the Prince of Peace.

We choose to focus on what we don’t have and who we are not, rather on that we do have and who we are in Christ.

We allow whatever is missing from our lives to command our attention rather than the goodness and grace of God always working on our behalf.

“We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him.”
Romans 8:28 NCV

Living a victorious life is a matter of managing your focus—specifically, focusing on the victory Giver: “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory” (1 Corinthians 15:57 ESV).

The key to unlocking the abundance of God is thanking and praising the God of abundance.

Abundance is all around you in every moment, just as is your heavenly Father.

And if God is in everything—“by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17)—we know that where He is there is provision, freedom, joy, healing, and whatever you need.

“God…is over all and through all and in all.”
Ephesians 4:6 NIV

God wants to bless you with all goodness, grace, wisdom, authority, and abundance.

He wants to give you eyes to see and ears to hear His promise for you in every situation.

He wants you to overcome, to succeed, to prosper, to be victorious—to inherit every one of His promises. 

He wants you to step into the blessed life because that is where you will live your best life.

God wants you to focus on Him and all that is possible in Christ.

When your circumstances are pulling on your attention, focus on God! Focus on what He is saying, what He has promised, and what He has done and will continue to do in your life.

The more attention you give to what you hope for rather than what you fear, the more your mind—and your energy—will be renewed.

You’re not going to be tired or depressed or overwhelmed. You will throw off the spirit of heaviness, indifference, and lethargy that leads to despair.

You will have energy to shake yourself awake and walk in God’s ever-present light.

“Awake, O sleeper,
    rise up from the dead,
    and Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:14 NLT

If you want more of God and His light in your life, focus your attention on Him by lifting up your head, heart, hands, and voice with praise and thanksgiving.

If you want more victory, peace, and joy, praise and thank God for more than you even understand is possible. 

This is not only your instant-access pass to the throne room of Heaven, but also the key to unlocking the power residing within you.

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”
Ephesians 3:20 NKJV

Whatever you focus on grows. If you want more of God’s goodness growing in your life, focus on His goodness!

No matter where you are in the world this week, take time to offer thanksgiving and praise to our generous “beneficent” Father.

Give thanks for God’s abundance with abundant thanksgiving!

Take Your Life Out Of Neutral

“Decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.”
Job 22:28 AMP

Whenever you make a decision, it affects two realms: the spiritual realm and the natural realm.

Decisions affect both your spiritual frequency and your natural frequency—the level of authority you operate in both the spiritual and natural spheres.

You can decide for a change.

Decide now to live beyond the limits!
Join me for End Your Year Strong!

One decision can radically transform your life.

The moment you make a decision, you alter your destiny.

Destiny is decision oriented.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you must have extraordinary decision-making skills.

Your life comes to you in a measured way—one day and one decision at a time.

“Choose you this day…”
Joshua 24:15 KJV

Every day that you awaken, you make destiny-defining choices.

If today you don’t like where you are, then decide where it is you’d rather be—and then make the necessary choices that will take you there.

What is one decision you can make today that will move you in the direction of your dreams?

You can decide to take 100% responsibility for your life.

When you take full responsibility, that means you take ownership—and the moment you take ownership, you put yourself back in the driver’s seat.

Take your personal power back and begin making decisions that will change the course of your life one destiny-defining day at a time.

You are the author of your life story. 

You can choose what will be written on the pages of your life. 

Every time you make a decision, you put pen to paper. Your decisions are the pen you use to write your life story—that means you’re going to have to think for a change; you’re going to have to be intentional about the decisions you make to create the changes you want.

If you want to elevate your life, you must elevate your thoughts.

The Kingdom—and the Word it is founded upon—is about getting you to shift your paradigm; training you how to think.

The Word of God says that if you want to transform your life, you must first transform your mind—you must renew it, or realign it with the truth of who God says you are in Christ. 

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
Romans 12:2 NLT

I like the Message translation of this verse: “Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out…God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you” (Romans 12:2 MSG).

If you want to take your life out of neutral, fix your attention on God—let Him establish your thoughts!

“Commit your works to the Lord,
And your thoughts will be established.”
Proverbs 16:3 NKJV

God will will establish your thoughts; He will establish your thinking. He will give you a vision, a plan, and a strategy to accomplish what He has called you to do on a day-to-day basis. 

God will download His will for you as a vision—but it is your responsibility to write that vision and make it plain so you can act on it; so you can set goals and make decisions based on that vision.

Your decisions should be dictated by a God-inspired vision. 

If your life isn’t giving you the outcomes you want, ask God to align your thoughts with His purpose and give you a vision for accomplishing it.

Whatever God has called you to do, He will give you the grace to do it. “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13 NKJV).

“God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”
Philippians 2:13 NLT

It is according to that power working in you that you are able to do more than you think you’re capable of. 

God wants to make you aware of how much power you have—“for God has not given [you] a spirit of fear, but of power!” (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).

And I want to make you aware of how much power you have! 

Join me this Thursday for the 4 Points Broadcast!

I guarantee you will be empowered like never before to dramatically accelerate your life!

Join me LIVE this Thursday evening for a paradigm-shifting, limitation-breaking, barrier-busting teaching that will give you keys, principles, and strategies for taking your life out of neutral once and for all. 

Expand your vision for what is possible for you!

“All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us,
to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Ephesians 3:20 NLT

Defy The Status Quo!

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 NIV

There are so many believers in the world who let life happen to them, not knowing they are in a position to affect change.

There are so many gifted and talented people living miserable lives because they are confined by restrictions imposed upon them by others.

The days of restricted living are over.

at End Your Year Strong 2018!

Dare to go beyond the boundaries and expectations of others.

Dare to stretch past the walls and barriers that have been imposed upon you.

Dare to imagine and ask for more.

Dare to “do immeasurably more…according to His power that is at work within us.”
Ephesians 3:20 NIV

Dare to defy the status quo!

Your destiny is attached to the decisions you dare to make every day.

If you want to live into the immeasurably more that God has for you, you must learn to adopt a make-it-happen mindset.

Your destiny is contingent upon your decisions.

When we talk about destiny, we’re talking about where a person ends up at a future point in time based on the decisions they make now or have made in the past.

I am always surprised by the numbers of people who don’t have a clue that they can “decide for a change”—that they can change anything the moment they embrace their identity as a divinely-ordained change agent.

You are divinely created to create change.

You are a creative being with the power to imagine new outcomes—and endowed with the divine agency to act on what you’ve imagined.

You’ve probably heard me on a number of occasions describe the three types of people I’ve observed: 

1. Those who watch things happen

2. Those who ask, “What happened?”

3. Those who make things happen

History is made by those who make things happen. Change is made by those who make change happen. Success is made by those who make success happen. Wealth is made by those who make prosperity happen. 

A difference is made by those who make a difference happen.

Life is never fair; success and prosperity happen on an uneven playing field.

I used to think the playing field was level—that we are all given the same opportunity because we are all given the same number of hours in a day.

But the field is never completely level, and you will trip if you fail to see it for what it is. You need to run toward the endzone with your eyes wide open so you don’t stumble when you encounter a dip—let alone a defensive tackle.

You must be quick to adjust to make the goal.

We’re living in a world where we hear a great deal about discrimination—where we hear about marginalization, injustice, and inequality.

Most people believe that these are the types of things that determine their destiny.

However, it’s not inequity that determines your destiny, but how you react; it’s how you respond to the obstacles you encounter that determines your future.  

This is how you defy the status quo.

You take action.

You learn not to be reactive, but to be proactive. 

It takes courage to go against the status quo—to go against tradition or the socio-cultural constraints of a nation; to speak up against unjust legislation.

It takes courage to proactively stand and speak out on behalf of those who haven’t yet found their voice. 

It takes strong inner conviction to disrupt the status quo.

We’re living in a time when believers must step up and disrupt!

Now more than ever we need God’s people to shake the world awake—to disrupt a world asleep to the need for justice and mercy.

We can no longer stand idly by watching from the sidelines. It is incumbent upon each of us to defy the status quo in our lives and in our nations.

The days of living bound by restrictions are over.

Purpose and destiny have the power to propel you beyond the status quo.

This is why I write purpose-driven, destiny-defining books such as Commanding Your Morning and Hello Tomorrow!

And it’s why I host events such as End Your Year Strong!

Let’s join together and break through every barrier and become all who God in Christ created us to be—until “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord” (Rev. 11:15).

Join me in Atlanta Dec. 7-8 as we step into life beyond the limits! 

“The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.”
Daniel 11:32

Unlock God’s Extravagance!

“This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it!”

Psalm 118:24

If you want to begin your day strong, begin it by acknowledging its Creator with joy and gladness.

If you want God working in any area of your life, first “ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name” (1 Chron. 16:29)—declaring His goodness with a grateful heart.

If you need protection, provision, wisdom, healing—help of any kind—first and foremost, praise God for His faithfulness.

“Go to the Lord for help…worshipping Him continually.”
1 Chronicles 16:11

Whatever you need, however you want to live, whatever your dreams, first “offer to God the sacrifice of praise” (Ps. 149:14).

This is the key to breaking free and living beyond the limits—the more extravagant your worship, the more extravagant the results.

 Join me for…
A Night of Extravagant Worship with Grammy Nominee Todd Delaney!

The theme of this year’s End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit is BEYOND THE LIMITS!

And that is why we are inviting the top worship artists from around the country and dedicating an entire evening to barrier-breaking, limitation-busting, atmosphere-shifting, earth-altering, heaven-revealing worship!

The secret to your victory, freedom, and breakthrough success is hidden in your attitude of gratitude toward God.

Unlock God’s extravagance through extravagant worship.

When I think of someone in the Bible who exhibited extravagant greatness, I think of David. 

David who as a teenager slew a lion and a bear, and then took down a giant, and as one of the most famous warriors, conquered entire armies. 

David who succeeded and prospered at everything he set his hands to—who God favored above all others and anointed king over Israel; a royal lineage for all generations.

But more than this, David was known as a worshipper. He was referred to as “a man after God’s own heart” (see 1 Sam. 13:14 and Acts 13:22).

“The Lord has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler.”  
1 Samuel 13:14 NIV

Some translate this to mean that David held a special place in God’s heart, as in he was “the apple of His eye” (see Psalm 17:8), or that David was an imitator of God, as in “a chip off the old block.”

But I believe this to mean that God sought after a person who would seek after Him—someone who would chase after His heart.

And as the Bible’s primary psalmist, that’s what David did. David was after—as in pursuit of—God’s heart through extravagant worship.

“Celebrating extravagantly all the way…David…danced with great abandon before God.”
2 Samuel 6:14 MSG

David was quick to give God extravagant glory upon every victory, and he was quick to extravagantly praise Him in his every time of need.

And this is why David experienced extravagant results.

It is why David seemed to walk in supernatural strength, grace, discernment, provision, favor, protection, and wisdom. 

Are you in need of supernatural grace? Are you in need of divine wisdom? Are you in need of more-than-enough provision? Are you in need of an epic breakthrough?

“Worship the Lord your God; it is He who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”
2 Kings 17:39

Learn to worship God extravagantly. 

Become an extravagant worshipper and you will unlock heaven’s extravagance in your life.

Join me in Atlanta for A Night of Extravagant Worship and you will see your life extravagantly changed!

“Bring an offering [of thanksgiving], and come before Him;
Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
Let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!’”

1 Chronicles 16:29, 31 AMP

I challenge you this week, as it is recorded in 1 Chronicles, to begin the day as David did declaring the goodness of God and giving thanks: “That day David first gave…this song of thanks to the Lord” (1 Chronicles 16:7)…

“Give thanks to the Lord!
Call on His name!
Make known His accomplishments among the nations!
Sing to Him! Make music to Him!
Tell about all His miraculous deeds!
Boast about His holy name!
Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek the Lord and the strength He gives!
Seek His presence continually!
Recall the miraculous deeds He performed,
His mighty acts and the judgments He decreed…
He is the Lord our God;
He carries out judgment throughout the earth.
Remember continually His covenantal decree,
the promise He made to a thousand generations—
the promise He made to Abraham,
the promise he made by oath to Isaac!
He gave it to Jacob as a decree,
to Israel as a lasting promise,
saying, ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan
as the portion of your inheritance’…
He let no one oppress them,
He disciplined kings for their sake,
saying, ‘Don’t touch My anointed ones!
Don’t harm My prophets!’
Sing to the Lord, all the earth!
Announce every day how He delivers!
Tell the nations about His splendor,
tell all the nations about His miraculous deeds!
For the Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise…
Majestic splendor emanates from Him,
He is the source of strength and joy.
Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the nations,
ascribe to the Lord splendor and strength!
Ascribe to the Lord the splendor He deserves!
Bring an offering and enter His presence!
Worship the Lord in holy attire!
Tremble before Him, all the earth!
The world is established, it cannot be moved.
Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be happy!
Let the nations say, ‘The Lord reigns!’
Let the sea and everything in it shout!
Let the fields and everything in them celebrate!
Then let the trees of the forest shout with joy before the Lord,
for He comes to judge the earth!
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
and His loyal love endures…
May the Lord God of Israel be praised,
in the future and forevermore.”
1 Chronicles 16:8-36

“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is Yours.
Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;
You are exalted as head over all!”
1 Chronicles 29:11

Maximize Your Moments

“See that you walk carefully…making the very most of your time […recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence].”
Ephesians 5:15-16 AMP

God gives everyone without partiality the gift of time—and seeded within every second, He gives everyone opportunity.

Every day God deposits 86,400 seconds into your personal account called life.

That means, every single day you are given 86,400 opportunities to make a change, to make a difference; to make your dreams come true.

Every second given to you is pregnant with opportunity.

You have the opportunity to use every second any way you want—but when that second is gone, it’s gone forever.

So my challenge to you today is to make the most of every opportunity by maximizing your moments.

Your future comes to you moment by moment.

What are you doing each moment to build momentum in your life?

You won’t own your future until you own your present—until you own the moments of your day.

Take Ownership by Registering NOW for End Your Year Strong! 

Take ownership of your life.

You can make every moment count by being intentional with your time—by deliberately taking ownership of each one of the 86,400 seconds you’ve been granted every day.

The precious moments of your day are yours and yours alone to steward.

Never waste a single moment of time. 

Don’t let people waste one second of your day.

Use your time like money. Invest it in those things that will yield the highest return. Budget it hour by hour. Assign your time to activities that pay high dividends.

Be specific. Don’t spend time; invest time.

Invest your time in pursuing your dreams.

Show me the empty garden of a man’s soul and I will show you a man who has never cultivated his time.

Show me the emptiest hearts with the hopes for their future dashed against the rocks of bitterness and regret and disillusionment and I will show you individuals that spent their time but never invested it.

The poorest and most obscure have never invested time in building their wealth.

How have you invested each moment of your day?


What are you using each hour of your day doing? Have you invested your time wisely?

Pour every ounce of your energy and time into making your dreams a reality, because God has given you the resources to do it.

You have to invest time in everything in order to be successful at anything.

If you want to have a successful relationship, you must invest time.

If you want to build a healthy home, you must invest time,

If you want a healthy marriage, you must invest time.

If you want a healthy body, you must invest time.

If you want great friendships, you must invest time.

If you want a greater salary, you must invest time.

If you want a great ministry, you must invest time.

You have to invest time in developing your reputation.

You have to invest time in the things that will bring you success.

Invest time in writing your vision, developing your goals, reflecting on your experience, thinking about what you really want in life; in planning, strategizing, organizing, praying…

Whatever you invest your time in, you will yield a return in that thing.

If you invest time in nothing, you will yield a return of nothing.

How you invest the moments of your day is as valuable as the money in your bank account.

The secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine…in your daily habits.

What you do in every 24-hour period determines what you end up with at the end of the week, at the end of the month, at the end of the year.

“So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm  90:12

Use your time to determine whether you will be sick or healthy, rich or poor, happy or sad, strong or weak, employed or unemployed, educated or uneducated…time is no respecter of persons or purpose.

God has given you this day to use as you will.

Your destiny is attached to how you invest your time.

Where you end up tomorrow is based on what you do with the seconds, minutes, and hours of today.

Make every day count. Maximize every moment. For this is the day the Lord has made—and time and opportunity are given to us all.

Start Something Amazing

“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12 NKJV

If you seek to be wise, you must learn to number your days—you must learn to maximize the time you’ve been gifted each and every day.

God is the creator of time—it is the first thing He created in the beginning.

“In the beginning God created.”
Genesis 1:1 NCV

According to Hebrew tradition, what this means is that God is the Originator of beginnings—and the beginning He began is what we call “time.”

Whatever begins with God—or whatever God begins—must end well.

“God looked at everything He had made, and it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31 NCV

So let me ask you, “How do you begin your day?” Or better, “Who is in the beginning of your day…your year…your business?”

How and in Whom do you begin every endeavor?

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

If you begin your day with God—if you begin your relationships with God—if you begin your strategies with God—your business with God…

However you begin your beginning, if you begin and end with God, you will prosper in all you do.

God will cause your life to expand as you seek Him and trust Him to build your capacity for more.

“The Lord shall increase you more and more.”
Psalm 115:14-15

Everything God creates—everything He begins—is to fulfill a purpose.

God created time with a purpose and for a purpose. Because the beginning of time was the first thing He created, it was a priority.

That means correctly harnessing your time, especially your beginnings, should be a priority for you—and it is why we must learn to number our days.

Ask God what you should be doing at the beginning of each day, week, month, season, and year.

Ask God what amazing thing you should be starting.

Make every day on this earth count by asking God what new thing He wants to show you.

Ask Him to teach you not only how to take advantage of opportunities, but how to create opportunities for yourself and others.

Make God the manager of everything you do, especially what you do with your time.

Ask God to prioritize your activities.

Allow nothing else to control or manage your time but God.

Ask Him to teach you how to manage your activities according to specific time frames. This is as close as you will come to managing time.

God is the creator of time—He is the manager of time—therefore you cannot manage time. You can, however, manage your activities within specific time frames.

You can begin your beginning with God.

Start something amazing and begin your day with God!

You can rejoice knowing your day is the day the Lord has made—you can rejoice knowing what begins with God will end amazing.

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God. He is the One Who made all light.”
James 1:17 NLV

If you need light, you need the One Who made all light.

If you need an idea or inspiration, a solution or resolution, clarity or direction, you need to begin with God.

God will cause your life to fill with light. It may have started in a dark place on a low note, but it is going to end on a high note!

Join me at EYYS and let’s end and begin on a high note!

Let’s start something amazing at End Your Year Strong 2018!

Discerning the Times

“The fastest runner does not always win the race, the strongest soldier does not always win the battle, the wisest does not always have food, the smartest does not always become wealthy, and the talented one does not always receive praise. Time and chance happen to everyone.”
Ecclesistes 9:11 NCV

In last week’s 4 Points Broadcast, we explored the concept of “time and chance” and how these are related to your destiny.

We looked at what it means to be a destiny-driven time traveler in God’s Kingdom while we’re alive here on the earth.

What is the legacy you are leaving—or the history that is going to be toldwith that dash between your birth date and your expiration date?

The EYYS Empowerment Summit is your opportunity to synchronize and syncopate yourself to God’s time table for you.

Join us in Atlanta December 7-8 where we will gather under an open heaven to receive prophetic impartations from God.

You will receive the inspiration and strategies you need to succeed and achieve like never before.

We want to give you the tools and resources you need to fulfill purpose and maximize potential in this prophetic season.

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

Every single one of us is endowed with the same amount of time in any given dayand we are each given opportunities within our lifetime to do something great.

Opportunities are not reserved for the talented or skilled or wealthy or people who live in developed countries; opportunities are given to everyone.

“Time and chance happen to everyone.”
Ecclesistes 9:11 NCV

Time is something we use every single day; it is something we have but cannot keep; it is something we are given but cannot manage ourselves.

As the Lord began to speak to me about destiny, He talked to me about leveraging the resources necessary to fulfill purpose and the critical importance of timing.

We must learn to effectively harness the resources of time and opportunity.

The word chance in Ecclesiastes 9:11 can be translated to mean “opportunity.”

Within our lifetime, we are each given an opportunity to do something great—we each have an opportunity to succeed…an opportunity to prosper. 

Every person alive will have an opportunity to change…an opportunity to grow—a chance to undergo a capacity building process that will further enable them to leverage the opportunity to influence the future and to shape history.

Each one of us is given time; but all of us are given opportunity.

This is important because when we speak about opportunity, we are also talking about discerning a specific timeframe for any given opportunity. 

It is why the enemy will fight to keep you distracted—to break your focus with busyness, media, temptations, frustrations, and all manner of distractions.

By keeping you distracted so you squander your time, the enemy can potentially cause you to abort your purpose. 

“To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Purpose is expressed according to a time frame. 

By the time you recover yourself from the enemy’s tactic to keep you distracted, you have already wasted your time!

Time is one of your most valuable resources. And once time is gone—once it is lost—you cannot get it back.

There are times that have been appointed that we must discern if we are to keep the enemy from highjacking our purposes.

 “It is the time to favor her;
    the appointed time has come.”
Psalm 102:13 ESV

The word “time” referenced in Ecclesiastes and also in the verse above comes from the Hebrew word, eth.

It is translated to mean “the most gratuitous moment for an event, an experience, or an opportunity to happen or occur.”

In other words, you could say, “to everything there is a season and the most fortuitous moment for your purpose to occur under heaven.”

Your purpose has a time frame for its expression.

Every day you must wake up and pray, “Lord, teach me to number my days that I might apply my heart to wisdom” (see Psalm 90:12).

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is the application of information and revelation and knowledge—the application of what you know and what you learn. You must also know when to apply what revelation. 

It avails nothing to gain revelation you don’t effectively apply. 

There are three types of people who live in this world:

1. People who watch things happen.

2. People who ask, “What happened?”

3. People who make things happen.

You want to be the kind of person who makes things happen—however, it’s not just about making things happen, it is about making things happen at the right time.

Because when the time is right, your success is guaranteed. 

You must discern when the time is right to make the most of every opportunity.

There is the most fortuitous moment for an event, experience, or opportunity to happen.

Join me in Atlanta December 7-8 to learn how you can make things happen for your greatest good—and for the good of those you love—by properly discerning the times.

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

Stir Up The Greatness Within!

“You will increase my greatness
and comfort me again.”

Psalm 71:21 ESV

Welcome to the month of October!

We are now in the tenth month of the year—the number “10” being significant in biblical numerology because it is the number of completion.

Ten is the number of completeness in divine order…the symbol of matter in harmony.

There is so much to celebrate and be excited about in the weeks and months ahead!

I’ve had such incredible revelation about what is in store for the people of God in the coming year…

And I’ll be sharing all of it at the End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit December 7-8!

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

Not only am I excited to walk alongside each of you in living and leading from a God-inspired vision, but 2019 will be a pivotal year on so many other levels.

Major shifts are happening in the Church and nations of the world—and the vision you craft will be a large part of that.

Learn more at End Your Year Strong!

God is making good on His promise to increase your greatness in the year ahead.

Another translation of Psalm 71:21 states “add to my greatness” (NLV)—a biblical example of how God is about you being great! 

He wants you to help Him stir up the greatness within you!

“You will make me greater than ever,
and you will comfort me again.”

Psalm 71:21 NCV

As I travel the world ministering, I’ve discovered that the biggest challenge is getting people to embrace their own inherent greatness.

The enemy conspires to keep you in a place of resisting, if not denying, that greatness.

It is so difficult for most people—especially most believers—to affirm that greatness within their own minds, and as a result, with the words they speak about themselves.

You must align your words with who you aspire to become.

Never allow yourself to think or say such things as, “I’m not all that great”—or “I’m not as good as…(so & so or such & such).”

How can you begin to stir up the greatness within you if the words you speak are completely contrary?

The first thing you must do in allowing God to increase your greatness is to line up your words with His Word that He is increasing your greatnessadding to itmaking you greater than ever (see Psalm 71:21 ESV, NLV, NCV)!

What one thing can you change that will change everything?

You can make a decision.

You can make a decision to align your words with God’s Word concerning you.

You can choose to change your mind—change your paradigm—concerning His promise as it pertains to your purpose and potential. 

This is faith.

Simple as that. 

Do you believe God is increasing you?

Do you believe God is adding to your greatness?

Do you believe God is at work…day in and day out…conspiring to make you greater than ever?

What does greatness look like to you?

This is why you need to tap into a God-inspired vision.

And why you must avail yourself to implementing strategies that will bring that vision to pass.

Don’t wait on other people, circumstances, or God to stir up your greatness; it is up to you to make a series of greatness-defining  decisions.

In our last 4 Points Broadcast, I presented ten areas you must deliberately activate your power to choose. 

Listen to the 4 POINTS BROADCAST on demand!

I taught in detail about how it is incumbent upon each person to stir up the greatness within—and how.

I identified the ten areas in which each of us must exercise our decision-making power. You alone have the power to choose any outcome you desire to experience. 

You are always one decision away from living the life of your dreams. 

God gives you the power of choice.

He requires you to make a decision.

Jesus asked the withered man lying beside the pool waiting all those 38 years, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6 NKJV).

“When Jesus saw him lie…he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?”
John 5:6 KJV

What do you want?

What is it your will that should happen?

What do you want (as in “could line up your will with”) that Jesus might do for you?

Do you want Him to increase your greatness?

He is only limited by the extent you exercise your power of choice.

Choose to join me at End Your Year Strong 2018!

Learn how you can stir up the greatness within December 7-8 in Atlanta GA!

This is your season of increase!

Live The Life Of Your Dreams

“Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things.”
Jeremiah 33:3 NLV

I am so excited about this new season unfolding before us!

Those who are willing to press into God and hear His voice will be shown “great and wonderful things.”

This is the year of the visionary!

You will not want to miss this year’s End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit December 7-8 in Atlanta, GA.

My heart is bursting with all God is showing me as we prepare for the year ahead.

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

I have been traveling the country speaking to audiences about the transformational power of vision.

I have witnessed first-hand how people from all walks fo life are able to convert potential into power by applying the principles outlined in my new book.

Meet me on the Hello Tomorrow book tour!

If you’ve lost hope, I want to help you dream againand then I want to help you dream bigger and live larger than you thought possible.

I declare the wait is over!

This is the season things are about to shake loose and begin moving at an accelerated rate.

Your future does not have to be a mystery any more!

Every single day you’re changing the trajectory of your life.

Make decisions based on the prompting of the Holy Spirit who will give you wisdom in all areas so you can live the life you’ve dreamed of.

He will help you make the right decisions so your future looks nothing like your past, but instead everything God had in mind when He said:

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NLV

Your future comes to you one day at a time…and it is entirely up to you whether you step into the fullness of it.

As we read in Hebrews it is incumbent upon “each one of you to keep showing the same diligence right up to the end, when your hope will be realized” (Hebrews 6:11 CJB).

What are you hoping for?

What do you want your future to look like?

In John 5:1-15 we read about a pool called Bethesda where there were “a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water” (John 5:3 KJV).

“All of them were waiting.”
John 5:4 NLV

I found it interesting that Jesus approached a lame man that had been there for 38 years and asked him, “Would you like to get well?” (John 5:6 NLT).

He was about to declare to that man, “The wait is over!”

Jesus gave that infirm, indecisive, withered man a divine mandate when He said:

“Rise, take up your bed and walk.”
John 5:8 NKJV

To “rise” means to consciously and deliberately move to a higher plane. In other words, Jesus was saying, “Elevate your thinking!”

Some of you have been stuck in the same place “waiting for a change” when all you need to do is to think for a change! You need to change your mind—to renew, or recalibrate it with a new paradigm.

Leave the clutter of the common behind and elevate your mind!

Your physiology follows your psychology. 

Your physical body and circumstances are going to follow the flow of your mind.

Wherever your mind goes your energy flows; wherever your energy flows, your life goes.

Leave the excuses and alibis behind. Rise up and put feet to your dreams!

Nothing happens unless you make it happen.

How are you going to live the life of your dreams?

You are going to make it happen.

You’re going to stop waiting and you’re going to make some decisions.

Could things be the way they are because you’re the way you are?

What one thing can you change that will change everything?

The wait is over.

Decide today how you want your future to unfold.

Make a decision to step into the fullness of your incredible potential by activating the power of a God-inspired vision.

Learn how to craft a compelling vision for your life by getting your copy of Hello Tomorrow now!

And don’t wait to register for this year’s End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit!

Register NOW for EYYS 2018! 

This is your make-it-happen season!

Living Beyond The Limits

“It has not yet been revealed what we shall be…”
1 John 3:2

One of the key themes of the End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit is building your capacity to maximize your potential.

It is one thing to grow in the knowledge of God—but quite another to grow in the knowledge of all you are capable of in Him.

John wrote that we would become like Him (see 1 John 3:2). Paul told us we are being transformed into His image (see 2 Cor. 3:18). Jesus said we would do even greater things than He did (see John 14:12).

Living into your potential requires a capacity building process.

Why is building capacity so important? 

Because your potential is only limited by your capacity to access it… 

God wants you to dream big so in Him you can activate divine purpose and do even greater works than Jesus did.

Meet me on the Hello Tomorrow book tour! 

Become a student of your own divine potential—cultivate your gifts and talents—and decisively step into your authority to define your destiny.

Learn to live beyond the limits by harnessing the transformational power of a God-inspired, purpose-driven vision. 

You were born with divine purpose woven in your DNA—seeded as a dream planted in your soul.

Even before you were born God had an extraordinary purpose and dream in mind for you: “Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you…” (Jeremiah 1:5).

Purpose, however, is different from destiny.

Your purpose is determined by God, it must be discerned by you; it never changes.

Your destiny, however, is determined by you; it is attached to the decisions you make.

The moment a decision is made, your destiny is altered. 

This is why you’ve often heard me say, “You are always one decision away from living the life of your dreams.” 

Discerning your purpose will dictate how you choose to navigate your relationships and circumstances.

If you don’t know your purpose, you’ll mishandle your relationships and misinterpret the timing of the Lord.

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Purpose is attached to a divine time table.

This is why Israel had the sons of Issachar to advise them: they had an “understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32).

God will never take your decision-making ability or freedom of choice from you. 

But what He will do is give you tools to help you build your capacity—tools that will develop your character.

And when He develops your character, that character begins to influence the decisions you make.

Your core values will be tested…but they will ultimately determine the choices you make that define your destiny.

Your destiny should be in alignment with God’s promises. 

It’s not an issue of whether or not you’ll climb the ladder of success, but whether you’ll compromise your Christian values to get there—it’s all about alignment.

Are your decisions aligned with God’s divine purpose for you?

I would rather sacrifice who I am now—yield it to who I’m going to be—rather than sacrifice who I’m going to be because I don’t value the process that I’m currently in. 

Any adjustment or realignment will feel uncomfortable.

Learning to readjust or realign to God’s best will raise the bar on your life and stretch your capacity for more. It is what will enable you to live beyond your current limitations.

This process is not about who you were yesterday or who you are today, but who you have the potential to become. 

And this is why you need a God-inspired, purpose-driven vision!

Without that vision, you won’t know what you’re building capacity for—what you’re pressing toward…

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.”
Philippians 3:14

What is that upward call of God for you? 

If you’re not able to see it, you won’t be able to achieve it. Why? Because if you can’t get a glimpse of the prize, you won’t be willing to go through the capacity-building process to obtain it. 

Building capacity requires a degree of discomfort. It requires you to leave your comfort zone—to take risks and stretch yourself. 

Look at Jacob; he wrestled with God and as a result, would never walk the same again…

“A man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket.”
Genesis 32:24-25 NLT

God is about to change the way you walk.

He is going to upgrade your walk so you no longer walk according to your carnal nature, but “walk habitually in the Spirit…responsive to His guidance” (Galatians 5:16 AMP).

This is how you learn to live beyond that which limits most people—the clutter of common complacency—and how you reach new heights in God!

Learn more at this year’s End Your Year Strong Empowerment Summit!


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV