Melissa Killian

Wake Up To Your Potential

“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”

Ephesians 5:14


It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to break free from your cocoon and emerge as that beautiful butterfly! It’s time to spread your wings and fly!

It’s time to get your copy of
Hello, Tomorrow!

There’s only one more week to pre-order your copy and get in on the special bonuses!

Don’t wait to grab hold of God’s promises and run toward the finish line of your destiny—holding firmly to the vision He’s given you as a map.

Wake up to a God-inspired vision! 

Can you hear what God is saying to you about your potential?

What is the Holy Spirit whispering to your spirit about what more He believes you’re capable of?

Log in to the free Hello Tomorrow! devotional
in the YouVersion Bible app to learn more!

Nothing good happens by you never leaving the incubator.

Learn how you can wake up to God at work in you by tapping into your capacity to dream—to envision a tomorrow that looks nothing like today. Learn to shape your future by the power of faith.

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for.”
Hebrews 11:1 NLT

Have faith that whatever your vision—that hope you’ve imagined for your life—of what you could do or contribute or one day become—has been placed there by God.

Open your eyes to what God is allowing to enter your spheres of influence—open your ears to hear the needs around you in light of your gifts and abilities.

What is God saying to you?

What are you hearing when you press into heaven and listen for His voice?

What is He laying on your heart as you look at the world around you? Who has He placed in your path? What opportunities are you not seeing because you’re not looking?

Our world needs more visionaries.

Helen Keller said, “The greatest tragedy in life is people who have sight, but not vision.”

Sight is a function of the eyes and perceives things as they are, but vision is a function of the mind and sees things as they could be.

Without vision, the soul has no hope, imagination has no outlet, and innovation has no future. Humanity is diminished as dreams fade.

Keeping your dream alive is the least you can do in service of God and humanity—and that’s why you need to invest in cultivating a God-inspired vision.

God gives His people vision as a spiritual GPS.

God gives a person vision to provide him or her with internal direction for their life—and collectively this provides a nation direction for its citizens.

Do you believe the vision for victory impressed upon Winston Churchill was of God? Do you believe the vision for an education that stirred in Malala’s heart was of God?

How about the vision that a young virgin “favored of God” (see Luke 1:28 & 30) held close to her heart when circumstances became difficult?

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Luke 2:19 NIV

As a son or daughter of God, do you believe you are less favored than these?

The Bible tells us that in Christ we are all favored—more specifically, that God the Father does not show favoritism. (See Romans 2:11)

I challenge you to speak up and say to your Father in Heaven with whom “all things are possible” (Mathew 19:26)…

I am willing to be used of the Lord. Let it happen to me as you have said.
Luke 1:37-38 NLV

Vision and faith are birthed from the same womb—both give us the ability to see the future and grab hold of it in the present.

Let me ask you today, “What more could you be doing to build your capacity in order to maximize your potential?”

This is the foundation of a transformational vision.

And this is why I’ve written Hello, Tomorrow!

I want to help you “write the vision and make it plain” so “he may run who reads it” (Habakkuk 2:2).

In Hello, Tomorrow! you will find practical steps for writing a vision you can effectively run with.

I want to give you a compass you can use to direct you toward the future you’ve dreamed of.

I want to help you wake up to God at work in you—your own divine potential.

“Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be;
your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”

—James Allen

Now is the time to do the work of determining the travel details of that dreamed of destination—your tomorrow!

See It To Seize It!

“Look as far as you can see in every direction—north and south, east and west. I am giving all this land, as far as you can see…”
Genesis 13:14-15 NLT

In the Scripture above, God is speaking to Abraham about vision.


Because his capacity to inherit what God had for him was contingent upon his ability to see it.

Vision is perhaps the single most important spiritual force in the world.

It is the force that has shaped our world and fostered the progress of humanity.

By the sheer force of a vision, lives are enhanced, purpose is actualized, and potential is maximized.

In fact, the only thing limiting you is your ability to see.

Could you be where you are because that’s where you’ve seen yourself? 

What are you seeing? Where are you directing your attention?

The power of your focus is extraordinary.

The discipline of managing your attention and directing your mind’s eye will empower you like nothing else.

The free Hello Tomorrow! Devotional App
will help you adjust your focus.

Stop looking at what’s wrong and begin seeing what’s possible!

The journey to a better tomorrow begins with learning how to see with new eyes—how to see past tomorrow to a better future—and like Abraham, learning to see beyond your lifetime to the generations yet to come.

“I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants.”
Genesis 13:15 NLT

Vision is the single most potent force that shapes our collective and individual lives.

And all it requires is actively harnessing and directing the eye of your mind—your imagination.

We all have the God-given ability to imagine, and like any muscle, we must properly exercise it.

Your mind is an idea-generating, innovative machine.

The mind has no lids nor limitations, except those that have been self-imposed.

Your mind is powerful and can propel you to do extraordinary things—once you understand how to train and strengthen its capacity to see; to tap into your own divine “insight.”

The word insight originally meant “sight with the eyes of the mind, mental vision, understanding from within.”

Directly translated from its Middle English roots, insight simply means “inner sight.”

You must learn to cultivate your inner vision.

One insight is all it takes to create a beautiful work of art. One spark of inspiration is all it takes to score a symphony. One vision for something better is all it takes to change the trajectory of a nation.

In the words of Antoine Saint-Exupery, “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”

What extraordinary possibility are you able to see when you look at your ordinary circumstances? 

Your imagination is the key to your future—it determines what you will and will not ultimately achieve.

God revealed this truth in the very first book of the Bible where He stated, “Nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do” (Genesis 11:7 KJV).

Your thoughts attract the things that are dominant in your mind. A mind that is filled with faith is powerful, positive, hopeful, and peace-filled—it is cleared of the clutter of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, and offense—therefore good is attracted to you and evil is repelled from you.

See through the eyes of faith and belief in what’s possible.

Before you can believe something, you must first be able to imagine it.

However, vision is not only the art of imagining, it is also the ability to bring what you’ve imagined to pass.

Take action now to realize the life you’ve imagined living, the things you’ve imagined doing, the industries you’ve imagined impacting, the people you’ve imagined influencing, and the world you’ve imagined changing for the better.

Don’t wait to get your copy of my exciting new release!

Pre-order your copy of
Hello Tomorrow!

Learn how to turn your “rock pile” into a “cathedral” one stone at a time.

When you understand that everything that is happening to you is revealing something that is happening in you, you can put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life.

I can’t think of a more important truth for you to grasp hold of as you redefine your destiny.

What is the bridge between what is . . . and what is possible?

Hello Tomorrow: The Transformational Power of Vision is a practical step-by-step guide that takes you from where you are today to what is possible tomorrow.

And it all begins with learning how to see.

Wired For Greatness

“He has given us promises. These promises are of great worth and no amount of money can buy them. Through these promises you can have God’s own life in you.”
2 Peter 1:4 NLV

The journey of a thousand miles does not only begin with the first step, it begins with the first step of faith.

Faith takes you into the unchartered terrain of greatness—and the road of every great life requires navigating this terrain.

If you think that greatness is not for you, think again.

You serve a great God who has great plans for your life.

Whatever you are currently thinking you are capable of, think bigger!

Never settle for a “this-is-good-enough” mentality…because once you do, you will live an average, mediocre life; a life that lacks luster.

Today I want to remind you that mediocrity is not in your genes—you have greatness seeded in your DNA.

You are wired for greatness!

You were knit together in your mother’s womb to accomplish great things!

You were born into the earth to have an impact on the world—to help shape events and the experiences of those around you.

 Register NOW for
Women Who Shape Our World
August 31-September 2nd
in Washington D.C.

How you see the future is contingent upon what you believe is possible for you.

What do you believe about your potential to live the life you’ve imagined?

Vision is simply a matter of how you see yourself in the future. Just like when you go to the movies, a vision is a divine announcement of “coming attractions.”

If you are able to imagine a potential outcome, that outcome is within the realm of possibility for you. If this were not so, you wouldn’t be able to imagine it.

God does not play games with your mind.

He will never give you a desire to do something and not empower you to do it; nor will He give you a vision and not provide the resources, ingenuity, determination, or insight necessary to make it a reality.

“The one who has faith can do all things.”
Mark 9:23 NLV

Whatever you focus on and truly desire, be it a vision, dream, or goal, with faith in God’s enabling power—“His power that is at work within [you]” (Eph, 3:20 NIV)—you will achieve it!

Get rid of your mediocre, go-with-the-flow mindset. Tap into the greatness residing within you!

It’s all a matter of what you choose to focus your thoughts on; things as they are, or as they could be..

Your focus is subject to your mindset and paradigm of success

A “good enough” mindset is the most destructive type of mentality because it will never challenge you to expand your horizon, think outside of the box, or break out of a don’t-rock-the-boat state of mind.

The status quo is popular because it requires no discipline—nor does it require you to grow spiritually as you progress and prosper.

Vision brings you into a higher spiritual plane of growth and development.

Your spiritual growth will lead you into realms above and beyond what your natural mind can imagine. Likewise, when you can imagine more, you know you’re growing spiritually.

A God-inspired vision always calls you higher.

Elevating your life to higher realms of power, influence, and affluence will require you to pull away from vision assassins who either don’t believe in your greatness or are intimidated by it.

Leveling up requires the courage to boldly embrace your own potential and all God wants you to be.

If life were a game, it would demand you to get off the sidelines and onto center court!

A life of greatness will require you to grab the ball and run with it!

Get rid of your wishful thinking. Get some skin in the game. Put feet to your dreams.

Your future is filled with unlimited opportunities so go for it! You are wired for greatness! You were born for this!

Pre-order your copy of Hello Tomorrow and get into the game!

Don’t wait to tap into your greatness!

As my friend and featured guest at Women Who Shape Our World, the accomplished Soledad O’Brien states,

“I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path.”

Learn more about what’s possible for you at Women Who Shape Our World August 31st-September 2nd in Washington DC.

Position yourself for greatness among the world’s most successful women—and secure your copy of Hello Tomorrow now to begin redefining your future.

Say “Hello” to Your Tomorrow

“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future He has called you to.” 
Ephesians 1:18 TLB

In exactly four weeks from today, my new book, Hello Tomorrow! hits store shelves!

Now, more than ever, people long to feel as though they have a voice—a self-determining voice that puts them in the driver’s seat of their own lives.

There’s no force more powerful than a God-inspired vision.

If you want to find your voice and make it heard, you need a vision.

A God-inspired vision enables you to see beyond what naturally is to what is possible in Christ.

When you are able to capture that vision in your mind’s eye, you will see the supernatural transpire in your life.

Vision is the bridge between today’s reality and tomorrow’s possibilities.

The spirit realm is the causal realm. A vision aligned with God’s promises is how you bridge what’s possible in heaven with what transpires on earth.

If you want to radically transform your life and future, learn to think like a visionary.

Register NOW for
Women Who Shape Our World
August 31-September 2nd
in Washington D.C.

You can move from being an everyday dreamer to becoming a world-shaping visionary by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Have the courage to imagine what may seem impossible today and then put yourself there in the tomorrows of your future. Remember, your feet will never take you where your mind has never been!

People who live extraordinary lives are people who have extraordinary visions.

Bravely go in your mind where your feet have never been. Boldly imagine yourself as the influencer or entrepreneur or advocate or policymaker or innovator you have the divine potential to become.

Be willing to take the risk of writing what you’ve imagined in vivid detail—and then courageously imagine yourself running with it!

“Write the vision and make it plain…that he may run who reads it.”
Habakkuk 2:2

You will never know what outcomes are possible until you are willing to take the risk of committing your vision to paper.

Crafting a vision for your future will stretch you. It is part of the capacity-building process that is required if you are to live an empowered, destiny-driven life of meaning, purpose, and legacy-leaving significance.

Crafting a compelling vision is both a vital spiritual discipline and a powerful spiritual force.

When we talk about writing a vision, we’re talking about you tapping into the mind of God and asking Him, “What is the impact you intended me to have in this life?”

God wants to show you the hope He has for the future He created you to shape. All He requires of you is to frame it with the power of your own ability to see it. 

God told Abraham:

“Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see is yours.”
See Genesis 13:14

You must first learn to see beyond the limitations of the present into the vast realm of potentialities faith makes possible in the future.

Visionaries are imagineers—they use their imagination to figure out what the end of a year is going to look like….and then the end of two years, ten years, twenty years, and thirty years. They have the ability to look beyond the horizonnorthward, southward, eastward, and westwardbeyond where they are right now.

A vision does not take into consideration present circumstances.

Sir Winston Churchill said, “History shall be kind to me for I plan to write it.” He boldly said he was going to write history, and then he did.

When you start writing a vision for your life, you begin to write history. 

It takes courage to have faith—it takes courage to not only believe God is instructing you, but to believe you can accomplish what He’s put in your heart to do.

A visionary has faith in who God wired them to be.

A vision is God’s appeal to you to stir up latent gifts, abilities, talent, and potential that are hidden on the inside of you.

If you cannot see yourself living beyond where you are, you will never enter the future God has prepared for you. You always have a choice to say “yes please!” or “no thank you.”

Seeing yourself in that place on the other side of your current circumstances is a decision—just like faith is a decision. You must choose to see yourself in the future you dream of!

You cannot seize what you cannot see.

Tap into God’s dream for your life!

God is not only the giver of the vision, but He is the enabler of the visionary—and He’s going to enable you and empower you to bring that vision to pass.

I wrote Hello Tomorrow! because I believe vision is vital to living an abundant, empowered life.

Writing a dynamic vision for your life is the first step in becoming an influential world-shaper.

A clear and compelling vision will act as your anchor, rudder, and sail—it will provide you with a compass that will keep you on course.

Learn more by pre-ordering your copy of Hello Tomorrow today!

Walking In The Realm Of Increase

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Last week, we had an explosive time of teaching and ministry here in Atlanta as we immersed ourselves in the message of the Kingdom at the Trimm Institute for Global Leadership.

If you’ve ever joined me for one of these intensive weeks of training, you’ll know how transformational being in an anointed environment can be—drinking from the firehouses of heaven!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

I want to encourage you today to lean into the Spirit of God—to press upward toward that higher calling—and prayerfully seek Him for what more He has in store for your life, your family, your ministry, and your destiny.

Wherever you are today, you can receive a personal download from heaven that can change the trajectory of your life. But you must position and posture yourself to receive and appropriate it.

Register NOW for
Women Who Shape Our World
August 31-September 2nd
in Washington D.C.

I want to help you expand your capacity to hear from heaven and receive all God has for you in this season.

Our God is a God of increase; He wants to increase you spiritually, intellectually, influentially, financially, and in every way supernaturally as you increase in the knowledge of Him…

The apostle Peter opens his second letter with the proclamation:

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God.”
2 Peter 1:2

In other words, “as you grow in your knowledge of God” He will give you “more and more grace and peace” (NLT).

But it doesn’t stop there. It is through the knowledge of God that we are given all thingsamong them “exceedingly great and precious promises”…

“His divine power has given to us all things…through the knowledge of Him…by which we have been given…exceedingly great and precious promises.”
2 Peter 1:3-4

Peter, upon whom Jesus said He would build His Church, thought that growing in the knowledge of God was so important, he also concluded his letter with the directive to “grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18 AMP).

The extent to which you are able to mature spiritually will determine the degree to which you are able to prosper in every area of your life.

The height of your success is only limited by the depth of your knowledge of God.

The more you know about the nature and character of God, the more you are able to comprehend what is possible…the bigger you are able to dream and the more you are able to ask God to help you achieve.

You are only limited by your own understanding of what God is willing to do on behalf of those who know and trust Him. 

“Do not be afraid…only believe and trust [in Me and have faith in My ability to do this].”
Luke 8:50 AMP

To what extent do you trust God with your life…with your dreams?

Today I want to challenge you to level up your trust! Press into His Word and stretch your faith by trusting God for more—more capacity, more influence, more ideas, more territory, more and greater achievements and victories.

“The people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits.”
Daniel 11:32

What are the great exploits you are currently pursuing? What are you doing with the great strength, authority, and grace that knowing God has endowed you with?

If you feel you are lacking in any area, grow in the knowledge of God. If you’re not seeing the fruit of God’s promises maturing in your life, perhaps you are simply in need of maturing!

Let’s look at the Amplified translation of that same verse from the book of Daniel:

“The people who [are spiritually mature and] know their God will display strength and take action.”

If you are spiritually mature, you are displaying strength and taking action!

If you are growing in the knowledge of God, you are increasing—you are expanding your influence, your reputation, your brand, your expertise, your market share, your giving, your good works, and your ability to glorify God.

God wants you to increase more and more!

“We urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more.”
1 Thessalonians 4:10 

Pursue increase…don’t get complacent by compromising or holding back…boldly ask God to stretch you and expand your territory as Jabez did: 

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep mefrom evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested” (1 Chronicles 4:10).

How big is your ask?

Whatever you can dream of, make the request of God! Level up your trust by asking for more.

Have you not heard it said, “You have not because you ask not”? 

Make the ask!

If you love the Lord your God, you know He has a great plan and a bright future prepared for you (see Jeremiah 29:11)—you can be assured your steps are ordered by Him (Psalm 37:23)—you can be confident that no weapon turned against you will succeed” (Isaiah 54:17 NLT).

“Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

Simply put, you walk in the realm of increase by faith.

What are you doing with your faith?

Register NOW for
Women Who Shape Our World
August 31-September 2nd
in Washington D.C.

She Who Shapes the World

“Then Hannah prayed: ‘My heart rejoices in the Lord! The Lord has made me strong.'”
1 Samuel 2:1

Women have always been shaping the world.

Just because a person doesn’t have a title or a label or a position doesn’t mean that they’re not in leadership.

There is no one in the universe who has not come through the womb of a woman. 

When woman was created, she was created to be a problem solver.

The Bible says it was not good for man to be alone, and therefore God created woman to solve a problem and meet a need. 

“I will make a companion…a helper suited to his needs.”
Genesis 2:18 TLB

Today’s marketplace is fertile soil for those who can Solve problems, Address issues, and Meet needs—an acronym I’ve often heard referred to as S.A.M.

Women don’t struggle with opportunity—they struggle with identity; they struggle with knowing who they are and how they’re wired to succeed.

Join me LIVE this Thursday at 7pm ET for the 4 Points Broadcast!

In this week’s 4 Points Broadcast, I will continue to unlock the divine potential hidden in your DNA.

When a person reaches outside of themselves to find solutions, they are enslaved by those solutions. When they reach on the inside, they are liberated.

Everything you need to succeed has been loaded within your unique genome.

You read your genome—your DNA—like a book.

Jesus said, “Behold, I have come—in the volume of the book it is written of Me” (Hebrews 10:7). He wasn’t referring to a physical book; He was referring to what had already been written about who He was in His DNA.

If you reach on the inside, you’ll find out your DNA is encrypted with a message about your identity, similar to the words written in a book.

When a prophet prophecies over you, he is reading from the pages of a book.

He or she is talking about something you already are. Everything you need to succeed is encrypted in your DNA.

This is what potential is all about.

If we learn to turn to the Creator, we’ll find that each one of us has been given a purpose to fulfill on the earth.

God told Jeremiah:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 KJV

And Jeremiah responds, “I cannot speak for I am a child” (1:6)—but then God said, “Say not I am a child!” (1:7).


Because the words you speak move molecules, and molecules have memory.

Your words create something like a train track that goes out into the world in the realm of spirit. But then that same train track brings a response back around—the same thing you’re saying returns to you as an experience.

Who do you say that your are?

Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” He knew there was some brand confusion about who He was in the marketplace. (See Matthew 16:13-14.)

As a result, Jesus spends the rest of His life making a series of “I” statements.

Likewise, if you don’t make a series of “I” statements, you will forever live with a series of “you” statements—what other people say about you.

As a woman who shapes the world, never get confidence mixed up with arrogance.  

Just because you announce that you’re strong and you’re great and you’re powerful, doesn’t mean you’re arrogant; it simply means you know who you are.

Refuse to allow someone else’s insecurity to be projected onto you!

And don’t turn to people for guidance who’ve never been where you’re trying to go.

This is why I’m hosting an incredible event exclusively for women confident about their capacity to shape the future and the world.

Plan now to join me for the inaugural…

 Women Who Shape Our World
Mentoring Forum
August 31-September 2nd in Washington, D.C.

Learn from women who are “strong and respected by the people” and who “look forward to the future with joy (Proverbs 31:25 NCV).

I look forward to seeing you there!

The Power of Intention

“Which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it?”
Luke 14:28

Destiny for many people is a mystery, especially as it concerns how we should live in regards to what God has planned for our lives.

However, destiny goes beyond just what God has planned—it is about making decisions that are in sync with that plan.

Too many live reactively rather than proactively. 

We must become more proactive if we are to express God’s plan for our lives in such a way we impact our world as ambassadors of Christ.

We each wrestle with what we should do, what’s right, who we should invite into our lives—how we should best manage, say, do any number of things.

…which of you intending… 

This is the Law of Intention.

The word “intending” here is the Greek word thelo, which means “to will, to purpose, to determine, or to resolve.”

When it comes to making quality decisions, these are resolutions—intentions you resolve to fulfill.

Your future is an act of will, not an act of skill.

Too often we say we don’t have the education or experience or expertise—we tell ourselves we lack the necessary skill.

However, making a difference, doing something better, or being able to improve the quality of your life is not a skill, it’s an act of the will.

“Which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost?”
Luke 14:28

If you intend to do something, you will sit down and give that intention some thought—you will go from intention (motive) to thought (mechanism).

People don’t have the future they dream of because they don’t put enough thought into it. They allow other people’s thoughts to determine where they are going.

As you think in your heart, so you will be.

What you think about yourself—what you believe is possible for you to become, do, or have—is exactly what you will be, do, or have for no other reason than these are your thoughts! (See Proverbs 23:7.)

The verse from Luke goes on to say that only after counting the cost would a wise man build. The intention followed by thought therefore is proceeded by action.

When it comes to your life, this is how destiny is birthed; it flows from these three dimensions:

Intention — Thought — Action 

Destiny flows from the dimension of thought…manifesting itself as a product of intention…expressed as an action in obedience to the Word of God.

These are three processes by which you make life decisions that either maintain or alter the path you take in life. Directing your destiny requires deliberate thought, intention, and action.

Destiny is a matter of intentionality; not your skill, but your will.

I think about the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:20-22. The Bible says she had been fighting twelve long years for her health.

One day she happened across Jesus and said to herself, “If I may but touch His garment I shall be made whole”an intention which produced the thought, “I will reach out to receive healing.”

Scripture says her intention led to an action“she touched the hem of His garment”and when she acted Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.”

“A woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. For she said to herself, ‘If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.’ But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, ‘Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well’” (Matthew 9:20-22 NKJV).

Here we see the three elements clearly represented: Intention, Thought, Action.

When you intend to do something heaven conspires with earth to bring the necessary resources to bear for your plans to become reality.

People who try never do; you must have a clear intention. 

Look at Genesis 22 where Abraham fully intends to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God.

Here we see that just because God asks you to do something, it doesn’t mean He will require you to do it. It’s when you intend to that heaven conspires with earth on your behalf. 

When you intend to do something, God considers it done. 

At the very moment you intend to obey is when your blessing is activated. 

To live into the fullness of your divine destiny, align your will with God’s will concerning you.

Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is
Ephesians 5:17 AMP

Unlocking the Mystery of Destiny

“Today I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses. I am offering you life or death, blessings or curses. Now, choose life! Then you and your children may live.”
Deuteronomy 30:19

In our last 4 Points Broadcast, we talked about how to activate the blessings of God—and in the process, how to unlock your divinely-intended destiny.

This week, we will continue to explore the geography and terrain of your destiny. 

Don’t miss this week’s 4 Points Broadcast LIVE this Thursday at 7pm ET! 

We are in our new series, “The DNA of Destiny.”

For many people, the concept of destiny is an elusive mystery out of the scope their control or influence.  

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”
Willian Jennings Bryan

Simply put, your destiny is where you end up tomorrow.

Scripture demonstrates that destiny is not a matter of chance—it is a matter of obedience. 

“To choose life is to love the Lord your God, obey him, and stay close to him.” 
Deuteronomy 30:20

Where you end up tomorrow is a result of the decisions you make today—those decisions are the bridge that connect your present to your future.

Because your destiny is directly associated with the decisions you make, you must take one-hundred percent responsibility for your life. 

Wherever you end up tomorrow is on you.

The prosperous life begins with the revelation that whatever happens to you is no person’sno employer, no parent, no government, church, or entity’sabsolutely nobody’s responsibility but your own.

Your destiny is built upon your choices: You must choose to obey God. You must choose to pray. You must choose to have faith. You must choose to hope and trust in God.

Whatever happens in your life is based on a series of decisionstherefore be careful to align your decisions with how God originally designed and purposed you to live.

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10

God intends for you to live an abundant life; a life without lack:

“But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”
Psalm 34:10

God has promised to supply all of your needs:

“God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.”
Philippians 4:19

You must make a decision whether you will live a blessed life (I taught on living the blessed life in our previous 4 Points series), or whether your life will be cursed.

God said, “I want you to make a decision: You can choose life or you can choose death. What do you choose?” (See Deuteronomy 30:19-20.)

Blessing or cursing?

Which do you choose?

We are all required to make a decision.

If you want to live a blessed life, you need to make a decision to be blessed!

We must educate ourselves to the Truth in God’s Word so we are not so easily deterred from God’s best for our livesor become so susceptible to giving away our personal power.

“…the curse causeless shall not come.”
Proverbs 26:2

Blessing is always the outcome of an act of obedience—while a curse is the natural outcome of an act of disobedience.

Every day you choose whether your life will be blessed or it will be cursed.

For there to be a choice, there must be options.

Therefore, God set options before you: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose” (Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV).

God gives you the power to decide. He provided you with two clear choices: to live blessed or cursed.

He said, “I call heaven and earth to record” so that when you make a certain decision, heaven conspires with earth to bring about the associated outcome.

There are always spiritual laws in operation! Listen to the replay for more on this…

For now, I want to make clear that your destiny is defined one decision at a time. Your destiny is being engineered on a moment by moment basis.

Therefore don’t go through life on neutral; live it deliberately and intentionally!

Because the very moment you make a decision, you alter your destiny.

Always remember your destiny is decision-bound.

The beautiful thing is that once you give your life to God, He gives you amazing decision-making ability. He enlightens your spirit to discern His will so you will know how to navigate the geography of your destiny.

You’re not a prisoner of war; you’re a prisoner of your mind. Once your thoughts change, your life changes accordingly!

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Proverbs 23:7

If you don’t like where you are today, decide to be somewhere else in the futurebecause you’re only a series of decisions away from living the life of your dreams!

Creating Ripples of Hope

“Lay hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.”
Hebrews 6:19 NKJV

In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, and in anticipation of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, the four weeks leading up to Christmas are a season of great hope and expectation.

It is only fitting that we launch into the Christmas season by commemorating our gratitude for God’s blessings and giving thanks as a nation.

To “lay hold of hope” we must first be grateful. 

This is a foundational principle that will help you tap into all God has for you and wants to do through you.

It is why the psalmist tells us the key to entering the gates of the Kingdom is thanksgiving—and the all-access pass into God’s presence is praise.

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” 
Psalm 100:4

Gratitude is a choice—and the fruit of it is hope.

Hope is a powerful force that changes the course of lives, communities, and nations. It calls us to action and propels us forward.

The power of hope gives rise to the shapers of history.

Hope is what fueled the dreams of history makers such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Because of a powerful hope, they each dared to craft a new and brighter future for the nations in which they were seeded.

This is what my new book History Maker is all about. 

A wanted to provide a blueprint for how ordinary people arise out of obscurity to create extraordinary change in their generation.

What compels some people to tap into the kind of deeper purpose that enables them to maximize their potential to lead change?

Is it a matter of special circumstances surrounding a special kind of person? Or does it have more to do with a type of personality or certain character traits—or is it simply having the courage to act?

Are leaders born or made?

I believe every person is born and called to lead change.

I believe leadership is both a duty and a privilege.

I believe we are each called to exercise our authority to mobilize the resources necessary to translate intention into reality.

Leadership is the exercise of authority.

Authority is the power—or the ability—to marshal the resources needed to achieve a desired result.

Wherever you see a need, you not only have the ability but a mandate to exercise your divine authority to create positive change. This may look like prayer, or faith, or praise, or grace, or even simply hope.

Today, we need voices of hope to inspire, encourage, and call to action.

There is no force greater than hope to mobilize action.

And now more than ever, we need individuals who will carry that hope to those who have lost hope.

More importantly, we need to be willing to do the work within ourselves that will enable us to dream bigger, think more expansively, and conceive of new possibilities—to imagine what has not yet been but could be, and then doggedly believe that it can be.

It is time to start learning what we are truly capable of.

Who were you created and put into the universe to be at this time in history?

Could you be the answer someone is looking for? Are you in possession of a missing piece to a puzzling situation or problem? Could it be found hidden within your soul—that nugget of insight or wisdom or revelation the world so desperately needs?

This quote from a speech given on June 6, 1966 in South Africa at the University of Cape Town’s “Day of Reaffirmation of Academic and Human Freedom” was of great inspiration as I wrote History Maker:

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
―Robert F. Kennedy

Each of us can be a unique center of energy and daring that creates a ripple of hope that turns the tide.

You and I are the carriers of hope that create the currents of change that shape history.

It is my prayer that as you read History Maker, you will stir the waters of your hidden potential until you are able to make those currents become waves.

“There are those who look at things the way they are and ask, “Why?”…I dream of things that never were and ask, “Why not?”
—Robert F. Kennedy

God’s Symphony of Purpose

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.”
Proverbs 4:18

These are tumultuous times. With every good report seems to come an exceedingly bad one.

I want to be an encouragement to you during what may seem like a very dark and confusing time.

Tune into the 4 Points Broadcast this Thursday at 7pm ET if you or someone you know is in need of hope and healing.

Our hearts and prayers go out to all of those suffering loss and trauma.

We are here to pray with you and stand with you in faith. I am committed to undergirding you with the Word of Truth that has the power to heal and restore.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10 NIV

God will strengthen and help you—but you must take responsibility for acknowledging Him in all your ways. (See Proverbs 3:6.)

It may seem counterintuitive not to lean on your own understanding during times like this, but the Word of God says that when you wholeheartedly place your trust in God, He will faithfully order your steps. (See Proverbs 3:5-6.)

Don’t be deterred from joining me November 10-12 if you want to end this year strong and begin 2018 even stronger!

If you’re in need of soul-nourishing, life-altering, destiny-defining times of refreshing and refueling, register now for the reboot event of the year.

Don’t allow the circumstances of today to sabotage the potential of your future.

Decide now to align your destiny with your purpose.

Don’t look without, look within.

The last and greatest frontier of human exploration is not outer space, but inner space. It’s what God wants you to explore about yourself.

You have a wealth of treasure hidden in an earthen vessel. There’s always dirt around every buried treasure, and sometimes you’ll have to get your hands dirty to find it.

It’s time for you to go treasure hunting.

In the process, don’t focus on the dirt; focus on the treasure!

When the Holy Spirit begins to talk to you about you, listen! This is the greatest conversation God will ever have with you—when God reveals to you who you really are.

Connect with your authentic self.

This is what happened to Jacob when he wrestled…his old self was wrestling with his new self.

Never allow who you are today to sabotage who you can be tomorrow. You’ve got to begin to wrestle with your greater potential…you have be tenacious!

Sometimes you have to wrestle.

Too often we ask ourselves, “Who am I to think that I can be better or brighter or so anointed or so gifted?”

Who are you not to be?

God is not playing games with you. You know you’re better, you know you’re brighter, you know you can do greater things.

But perhaps you’ve allowed yourself to second guess who you are; because this is what you’ve learned. People told you that you should be humble. People told you you’re being arrogant.

Just because you know who are you doesn’t make you arrogant.

It makes you confident.

When you wrestle with yourself, how about you wrestle with learning what’s right about you, how gifted you are, how beautiful you are.

When you know who you are in Christ, you don’t have to dumb down to blend in,

Stand out in the knowledge of who you are in Christ.

The world is going to be cheated unless you do.

When Jacob was wrestling with God, he was wrestling with who he was going to be—and when he emerged, he emerged as Israel: “the prince who has power and favor with God and man.”

You can trust this indirect, spiritual side of yourself…for therein lies the blueprint for constructing the life of your dreams.

“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”
Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Get in step with the rhythms of heaven.

Discover how heaven is directing your steps. Finding your rhythm is all about getting in step—getting syncopated—with God’s time signature.

Destiny comes to you like a rhythm…there’s an ebb and flow. Stick to your rhythm!

Find your place in God’s symphony of purpose.

The Church is a great symphonic movement. Don’t cause dissonance in the realm of the Spirit by not properly playing your part.

Remember, there is harmony in diversity. Every part is integral to the whole.

When it’s your turn to shine, shine bright!

As we talked about last week, destiny is the outcome of the decisions you make.

You want to make decisions based on the revealed purpose for your life, and based on the strategy and vision that grows out of that purpose.

Purpose dictates vision, and vision dictates strategy.

Destiny flows from a dimension of thought and manifests itself as a product of intention and action.

The two processes by which we make decisions—intention and action—maintain or alter the path we take in life.

Destiny flows from purpose. You determine your path, but through prayer, God orders your steps.

“The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.” 
Psalms 37:23

Destiny is like a path. There are many paths you can choose to take. God leads us along “paths” plural. You decide on the path you’re going to take. That’s your decision. Once you determine the path, God will order your steps.

When your thoughts are synchronized with your potential and you allow God to order your steps—and when you act in accordance with your true passion—your destiny will be brought into full alignment with His purpose

…and His purpose is far greater than yours could ever be.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
Proverbs 19:21 NIV

This formula is what makes great men and women of God great.

If you want to be great in your industry—and I’m praying you want to do something great for the Lord—that means your thoughts have to be synchronized with your potential.

Potential is unrealized power.

This is not your resume! Your thoughts should not be synchronized with your resume—things you’ve already done. Potential is what you have yet to do!

Synchronize your thoughts with the power latent in your potential and allow God to order your steps in accordance with your passion.

The proof of your purpose is passion. 

Act in accordance with your passion!

When your passion is united with your purpose—when every action is driven by divine passion—then your destiny will be brought into full alignment with your purpose.

Destiny is always the result of a decision.

The moment you make a decision, all alternative options collapse—and that decision will bring to you results in the form of experience, opportunity, or condition.

Where you are today—every experience, opportunity, condition—is the result of every decision you’ve made. 

Take ownership of what you think. Your decisions—your ultimate destiny—will follow your dominant thoughts. So think for a change.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Proverbs 23:7 KJV