Melissa Killian

Odd-Defying Favor

“Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her.” 
Esther 2:15 NJKV 

This past Friday, nations around the world celebrated International Women’s Day—also known as the “UN Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace.”

In fact, many don’t realize that as early as 1955, the entire month of March has been designated as Women’s History Month.

March also brings a change of season with the spring equinoxwhen the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world.

There is a balance—or equity—between the shining of the moon and that of the sun. 

This year, the spring equinox also marks the Jewish holy day of Purim, commemorating the day when the Jews were saved from destruction as a result of Queen Esther’s diplomacy.

More specifically, because Queen Esther had the courage to step forward, she obtained the king’s favor and was therefore able to intercede on behalf of her people.

“The king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight.”
Esther 2:17 TLB 

Favor is an incredible spiritual force. It is a principle akin to mercy, in that it not only is supernaturally bestowed but can be actively obtained.

In fact, you will find that favor and mercy are used interchangeably in the Bible.

“You will arise and have mercy on Zion;
For the time to favor her,
Yes, the set time, has come.
Psalm 102:13

That word “Zion” has the connotation of something that lacks water or is dried up and parched—something that does not have the ability to produce or sustain life.

Another meaning for Zion is “to lack spirit” or “to be dispirited”—as in those who are discouraged in their faith or hope, or whose prayers and praises are dried up—they have become Zion…they have become dehydrated.

This is significant to understand now in this season because nations around the world are losing hope; they are drying up for lack of spiritual truth. They have become barren lands where there is no mercy, and therefore no hope of favor.

Now more than ever we must understand how to sow in mercy in order to reap in favor—for favor is like rain to a dry and thirsty land.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
 Matthew 5:7

The world is in desperate need for the merciful to stand in the gap; to bravely step forward out of mercy wherever God has put them “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)—and as a result, obtain the kind of radical favor that makes a way when no other way seems possible.

I believe there is prophetic significance in Purim falling this year on the same day as the spring equinox.

I believe God has placed a special anointing upon women to stand in the gap to intercede and obtain favor for the oppressed and exploited all over the world—to intercede for justice and equity.

Women especially have been endowed with a unique capacity to show compassion. It is that kind of merciful compassion—the same that Christ showed us—that will enable you to defy the odds.

“Therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that you may obtain favor and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16

Now is the time to actively pursue favor, not for yourselves, but on behalf of those unable to seek it for themselves. This is what mercy does.

When you are merciful, God will grant you odd-defying favor.

You will garner the kind of favor that sets captives free, rights wrongs, overturns injustice, establishes peace, and brings equity and balance to a world off kilter. 

Because this is what odd-defying favor does.

And this is what God is anointing you to do in this season.

Think Like A Visionary

Discussion Guide

Before beginning, pray and invite the Holy Spirit into your midst.

Read Ezekiel 12:22-24, 27b

Discuss the concept of “Fake News” in relation to this verse.

Have you experienced this type of “Fake News” in relation to your life?

What did God tell Ezekiel to do…and why?

What is the causal realm?

Therefore, what do your dreams and visions represent?

Read Daniel 2:28-45

What do we learn that all superpowers have common?

With all of the resources and opportunities we have in this generation, why do you think there are so few visionaries?

What should we be asking God to give us a vision for? What does this require us to do—or to have?

What is meant in this context by the Stone Age?

What do we learn about the power of vision from Tokien’s Lord of the Rings?

How is the Kingdom of God taken?

Read and discuss Deuteronomy 29:29

Close in prayer.

Principles For Writing Your Vision

4-Points Discussion Guide

Read Habakkuk 2:2-3

How does writing a vision help you?

After writing your vision, what is the next most critical step in achieving success?

What are some strategies you’ve found helpful in executing on your goals?

Read Isaiah 40:28-31

What laws or principles are activated when the vision “tarries”?

Why must we wait?

Discuss some of the principles represented in Isaiah 40:28-31 and what we can learn from them.

Read Jeremiah 29

What should we be doing while we wait according to Jeremiah 29?

Discuss how this applies to you personally.

Share some of the ways you’ve experienced the principles mentioned here working in your life.

Read Hebrews 10:23

Who brings the vision to pass?

What will you commit to do this week to move your vision forward?

The Single Most Important Force

“I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors:
    You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream.”

Daniel 2:23 NIV

What the world needs now are dreamers.
You and I know that nothing of significance happens without vision.

If there was ever a time the world needs visionaries—it is today!

Vision is the single most important force that not only shapes our lives but shapes our world.

Join our LIVE virtual life group
this Thursday at 7 pm ET! 

Gather your friends and actively participate as we continue our series on vision. 

To help make this more interactive, we are providing you with a discussion guide so you can facilitate your own life group wherever you are!

Discussion Guide

Read Habakkuk 2:2-4.

Here we are told to write what we see based on the revelation God gives us.

Faith requires us to see a distant future…not where we arebut where it is we can be.

“All things are possible to him who believes.”
Mark 9:23 NKJV

Vision requires faith:

What things in the world have been shaped by vision?

What is the first principle we extrapolate from Habakkuk 2:2-4? Discuss why this is so vitally important.

Where do we see this principle illustrated in the New Testament?

What happens as a result of documenting your vision?

Read Job 33:15-18.

Why does God give you a dream or a vision?

What does writing your vision give you the ability to do?

Read and discuss Deuteronomy 29:29.

What will God give us insight into?

Read and discuss Daniel 2:23-28.

What did God reveal to Daniel and why?

How does Daniel 2:28-29 speak to us today?

What must we have the discipline to do?

What type of environment or atmosphere will activate your ability to see what God wants to reveal?

Refer to chapter 8 of Hello Tomorrow!

In how many areas must we write “and make plain” a detailed vision?

What is the first area in which you must write a vision?

What do we learn about this from Jesus? (See Matthew 16:13-17.)

How will you begin to discern your own unique, God-inspired vision this week?

Wake Up To Your Potential!

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.].”
Philippians 4:13 AMP

What if I told you that you already have everything you need to succeed?

Well, you do!

You have the intuitive smarts, the innate skills, the inherent strength, and the inner stamina required to do whatever it is you are able to imagine.

You are only limited by what you believe is possible.

As a follower of Christ, you “can do all things” (Philippians 4:13), because “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Too many of us underestimate the power of Christ residing on the inside of us.

We are asleep to the potential we carry to change this world for the glory of God.

“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:14

If each one of you could awaken the giant sleeping within you, imagine what a different world this would be.

This is why I am so passionate about the empowerment message—why I am dedicated to building the capacity of every individual to maximize their potential to lead positive change.

Let’s join our hearts and minds from all around the world as we stir up heaven!

If everyone reading this today were fully present—either physically or virtually—we would create a tremendous shift in the spiritual, social, and political climate that affects us all.

Don’t underestimate the power you have, especially when that power is infused with the faith of believers coming together in agreement.

We read in the Psalms of David that where there is unity—where God’s people come together in agreement—there He commands His blessing. (See Psalm 133: 1-3.)

“There the Lord has pronounced His blessing, even life everlasting.”
Psalm 133:3

Imagine the potential of God’s people today, within whom Christ dwells—“the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27)—when they are united in the Spirit.

Take the lid off your own potential by tapping into the blessing God commands upon those who come together in faith!

 “The just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
Hebrews 10:38\

You are in possession of everything you need to fulfill your purpose.

Seeded within you are the gifts, talents, skills, abilities, aptitudes, and sensibilities that uniquely equip you to accomplish that extraordinary thing you were born to do.

“Do not neglect the gift that is in you!”
1 Timothy 4:14

There is a divine mandate on your life. You have been entrusted with something so precious, so unique, and so significant that you and only YOU have the potential to bring it to pass.

Nobody else on the planet at any time in history can accomplish what you have been given to do within your lifetime.

It is the result of a divine inheritance specially earmarked for you; it defines a brand that is uniquely your own…and it will determine a legacy that only you can leave. 

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God!”
2 Timothy 1:6

Don’t take your unique potential lightly. Don’t be complacent about what you are truly capable of. Be deliberate about pursuing and accomplishing all that God has for you. 

I often go back to that passage of Scripture to ground myself in what I need to do in each moment to stay at the ready and in position to make the most of every opportunity as it presents itself: 

“See that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence].”
Ephesians 5:15 AMP

I appreciate how the Amplified version highlights the values of “honor, purpose, and courage” as necessary components of living a lifestyle marked by God’s wisdom. 

The passage goes on…urging us not to be “foolish and thoughtless,” but firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is for our lives. 

And then offers a strategy for how:

“Be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.”
Ephesians 5:18 AMP

Earlier in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul talks about being filled with all the fullness of God. (See Ephesians 3:19.) 

Why? Because everything God is able to do “exceedingly abundantly above all [you] ask or imagine,” He does “according to the power that works in [you]” (Ephesians 3:20 AMP).

What’s that gift in you that you shouldn’t be neglecting? What’s that gift you should be stirring up?

It’s the power of God!

Now what does that say about your potential?

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon YOU!”
Isaiah 60:1

Become An Imagineer!

“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future he has called you to…”
Ephesians 1:18 TLB

This week in the United States, we celebrate the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We celebrate his life and legacy today because he had the ability to imagine a different future—and that ability changed the destiny of a nation and shaped the history of humanity. 

On August 28, 1963, before 250,000 people, Dr. King declared, “I have a dream!”

Do you have a dream?

A dream starts with a revelation of what is possible—made available through the power of your imagination.

If you missed Part Two of our new series—and have any desire at all to do something great with your life—you will want to watch the replay.

Click here or download the Cindy Trimm App to watch on the go! 

Can you imagine what God would do if we as believers discipline ourselves to harness the power of our visioneering capacity?

What would God reveal to us about not only the unfolding of our lives but the unfolding of the plans He has for our nation?

Many people want to live the American dream, but what if God wants to give you a dream for America?

What if God wants to show you what He can do through you to push your nation’s destiny back into alignment with His original plan and purpose?

God is a God of revelation. He wants to reveal things through you.

The word “revelation” comes from the Greek apokaluptowhich means “to make known, make manifest; disclose what before was unknown.”

God withholds things until you have the capacity to unfold things.

Sometimes we are so blinded by our circumstances we miss what the Spirit is revealing.

Faith sees what the average person is blinded to.

Vision is a catalyst designed to activate your faith.

Vision takes you into the realm of faith.

God wants to change the landscape of your thoughts and give you a mental excursion of your future—and He does it all through the power of your imagination.

Your imagination is an ideas generator.

When your mind flourishes with new ideas and amazing possibilities, your life will flourish in an amazing way.

Whatever you imagine will emerge.

Vision requires the use of your imagination—it is the mechanism through which you move toward an imagined future.

Where there is no flight of the imagination, there is no elevated future.

You must leverage the power of your imagination to convert future possibility into present reality.

You must become an imagineer!

A vision is God’s invitation to imagine the possibilities.

Imagination makes everything possible.

How Far Can You See?

“God said to Abram, ‘Open your eyes, look around. Look north, south, east, and west. Everything you see, the whole land spread out before you, I will give to you.'”
Genesis 13:14-17 MSG

Are you ready to upgrade your life?

Are you ready to expand your horizons and step into a whole new land of opportunity? 

If so, you will have to learn to see with new eyes.

Join me this week for Part Two of a brand new series designed to give you new sight. 

Don’t miss an all-new LIVE 4-Points Broadcast this Thursday at 7pm ET!

Also, I want to remind you that the long-awaited movie Canal Street will be in a theater near you THIS FRIDAY, January 18th!

As an Executive Producer, I am proud to be among the team of visionaries who brought this cultural drama to life.

Click Here to Watch the Trailer!

This is the YEAR OF THE VISIONARY...the year you will see your life conform to what you’ve imagined possible.

Join me LIVE this Thursday as I walk you through each step of this transformational process.

Bring your friends along on the journey…start your own life group—and join me and mine as I reveal how you can harness the power of vision to redefine your destiny.

Your future is calling you; you might as well say “Hello!”

You can step into the future of your dreams the moment you shift your focus…because whatever holds your focus controls your future.

A vision will help you focus on possibilities rather than problems.

Learn to look beyond where you are…because where you are is only as permanent as your thoughts about it.

The moment you see your life unfolding differently is the moment it will begin to unfold differently!

How you see your life unfolding is exactly how it unfolds. Why? Because Anything you constantly hold in your mind eventually unfolds in your life.

This is why you need a vision.

A vision is simply a clear image of coming attractions.

What is not clear to you now will not be there for you tomorrow.

What you cannot see coming will never come—because what is beyond your ability to see is beyond your ability to have.

How far you are able to see determines how far you go in life.

A vision acts as a catalyst activating you into destiny by helping you make the right decisions.

A vision is a destiny adjuster.

Being able to capture God’s plan for your life as a vision will give you the ability to structure your prayers in such a way that your future will have to conform.

Allow God to refocus the lens of your spirit from the natural to the supernatural by giving you a vision.

It’s Your Time To Shine

“[God] is able to do far more than we…ever dare to ask or even dream of.”
Ephesians 3:20

We are still basking in the afterglow of End Your Year Strong 2018! Truly, God exceeded all of our expectations for a transformational event!

If you missed it, today you can watch all of it ON DEMAND!

I guarantee your life will never be the same—the anointing that was present will overflow into your home or into whatever environment from where you are watching…it was that powerful.


You will be empowered to rise up into new realms of dominion and influence, because God is establishing a new paradigm of leadership for the Church in this season.

Learn to see yourself as the powerful culture shaper that you were created to be and embrace the authority He has given you to advance His Kingdom.

Learn to think like a visionary.

Be a person of vision.

It’s time for every one of us to rise up with the dreams and visions we’ve been given by God—to shine with the glory that is risen upon each of us.

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!” 
Isaiah 60:1

I speak now to the Church: It’s time to take stock, press in, and get in step with what God is doing in this next season.

Atmospheres are shifting and heaven is calling us up into greater authority and influence.

Become the change agent God created you to be.

There has been a new mandate issued and level of anointing released for the people of God to take the lead in redefining the future. 

The darker and more chaotic the world becomes, the greater the demand on the people of light.

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
Isaiah 60:2

Don’t wait to elevate your destiny and expand your leadership potential.

If you were with us for the Empowerment Summit, you know how significant this message is for believers in this season—and the power of a clear vision boldly declared.

Let’s take the momentum of End Your Year Strong and create a movement.

I am so excited about what the next year holds for God’s people! 2019 will be a year of great “above-and-beyond” exploits for those who know their God! (See Daniel 11:32.)

Every great exploit begins with an ordinary person stepping up to serve in an extraordinary way.

Where can you lay your hand to the plow? Where can you step forward and voluntarily serve the greater good?

This is where filling the leadership gaps begins.

A leadership gap is your invitation to serve.

Let’s begin changing the tide–let’s begin transforming culture by simply serving wherever we see a need.

History isn’t always made by those under the spotlight or in the headlines—but more often by those who serve as unto the Lord.

“Work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were serving the Lord … He is the one you are really working for.”
Colossians 3:23-24 TLB

How might keeping in mind who “you are really working for” change your motivation—your attitude—your priorities.

How might the needs you see around you be your personal invitation to step into a destiny-defining upward call?

God sees and rewards your faithfulness on every level. 

God uses every circumstance to pivot your future. 

Don’t despise small beginnings! Be faithful in the little things! This is what God will use to promote you.

How did world changers such as Gandhi, Mandela, and Mother Theresa change the course of history?

They were faithful with the small thing God gave them to respond to—they tapped into their ability to respond

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”
Zechariah 4:10 NLT

What small needed change could you take responsibility for?

Where are you called to “arise and shine”? 

I’m here to tell you “the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!” It’s your time to shine!

The Future Is Now

“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”
Daniel 11:32 NKJV 

This is the week! We are so excited about this year’s End Your Year Strong and the impact this event will have on the world!

We are launching the event with a State of the Union Address for the Church followed by a dynamic leadership panel discussion.

If you’re looking to expand your vision, build your leadership capacity, broaden your influence, and have greater impact in 2019, you won’t want to miss what will be presented here.

“The Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing!”
Matthew 11:12 NLT

This year’s line up of speakers and worship artists is unprecedented!

If you haven’t already registered, it’s not too late! 

Join me in person or on LiveStream! 

You can write a new chapter and craft a new outcome for your life, ministry, business, or industry by the force of this one decision.

Sometimes it is simply a matter of saying “yes” and showing up where opportunities are present—where thought leaders, trendsetters, and change makers are gathered.

Because the primary thing that will slow your progress is lack of strategy.

And most people aren’t strategic because they lack vision.

Have you written out your vision for the year ahead?

A written vision is a powerful tool you can use to recalibrate your life, ministry, or business—it is what magnetizes the future of your dreams to your present reality.

“This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!”
Habakkuk 2:2 MSG

I have found that the biggest challenge people face when writing a clear and compelling vision is that they don’t know what they want.

This is not new to those of us living in the modern age of infinite possibilities. Jesus found those He ministered to suffering from the same lack of clarity:

“What do you want me to do for you?”
Mark 10:51

In the 19th century, Mark Twain observed: “I can help anyone get anything they want out of life. The only problem is that I can’t find anyone who knows what they want.”

Decide now what you want next year to look like. Don’t wait until January to start writing a vision for the year ahead…the year will already be underway by then! 

Don’t wait until the year is already underway to decide how you want it to look.

I challenge you as you prepare to begin next year strong to get clear on what you truly want.

What do you want to transpire in your life over the next twelve months? Forget for a moment about the expectations of others—about your roles and duties.

Take just a moment to consider what you deeply desire for yourself.

What is the deeply personal vision you hold for your one, precious life?

Every day the world tries to tell you who you should become. If you aren’t careful, the world’s opinions can keep you from making your life your own.

As you begin 2019, remember:

No one can live your life for you—you must take ownership of your own life, future, and destiny.

Your vision and goals should be the most authentic, empowered expression of the aspirations that make you distinctly you.

Adopting someone else’s vision for your life or attempting to squeeze yourself into someone else’s mold only diminishes your potential and distorts your unique gift to the world.

Research shows that individuals who are surrounded by people with personalities more dominant than their own tend to suppress their own dreams and desires.

Or perhaps you’ve been distracted by things that hold no real meaning for you or your future. 

“What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?”
—Mark 8:37 MSG

Because you know yourself better than anyone else, only you can determine the dreams, decisions, and destiny that are right for you.

Therefore, as the Apostle Paul exhorts:

“Live creatively…Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life” (Gal. 6:1,4-5 MSG).

As you prepare now to start next year strong, ask yourself two things:

  • How am I allowing others to mold my life to their vision rather than my own?
  • How will I make the most of the precious gift God has given methe power to choose blessing and life? (See Deut. 30:19.)

If you’re ready to take ownership of your life,
join me and my coaching team on a 52-week destiny-driven adventure.

I invite you to explore the newly renovated Executive Life Coaching program.

It is a holistic, life and leadership transformation journey that delves deeply into the twelve key areas of success and prosperity—giving you everything you need to fulfill your purpose, maximize your potential, and put yourself in the driver’s seat of your destiny.

If you’ve dreamed of taking your life, relationships, health, career, and leadership to the next level—of becoming an agent of change and leaving a lasting a legacy—don’t let this opportunity pass you by.  We are starting our next year-long journey together in January, so plan NOW to join the adventure!

The future is now

Don’t wait to win at life, come with me on this transformational journey. Take authority over your future! 

Let’s write that clear and compelling vision for every area of your life, set those transformational goals that will propel you forward, and implement the life-changing strategies that will put you back in control of your time, personal brand, and legacy.

I pray God will give you courage and wisdom to make your life your own.

You can pray too:

A Prayer for Personal Authority:

Father, there is more to me than meets the eye.
In the name of Jesus I destroy every limiting belief that has taken root in my mind.
I take authority over all destiny-altering activity.
I break out of every form of bondage: emotional, psychological, financial, and spiritual.
I will not let fear keep me from my destiny.
I decree and declare that I will do everything You created me to do.
Let every gift and calling You have deposited within me be released in its perfect time.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Make 2019 the year you make history—the year you write the best chapter of your best life. 

Catch a vision for all that is possible and begin maximizing your potential to fulfill God’s grand purpose for you!

“A [vision] doesn’t lie…
It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”
Habakkuk 2:2 MSG

Who Are You Becoming?

“So follow the steps of the good, and stay on the paths of the righteous. For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain in it.
Proverbs 2:20-21

We are a little over a week away from the Empowerment Event of the year!

It’s not too late to secure your seat and join the ranks of those pressing into heaven, breaking through barriers, and living beyond the limits!

“The Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing!”
Matthew 11:12 NLT

Who you become in the year ahead is contingent upon the decisions you make today.

I urge you, as Paul told Timothy, to stir up the power God has placed within you (see 2 Tim 1:6)—to ask and believe for more than you ever imagined possible (see James 4:2).

Decide NOW to join me in Atlanta December 7-8!

Don’t hesitate to step forward and live your best life. Don’t wait to break free and break out of the status quo!

This once-in-a-year opportunity is your personal invitation to live more purposefully, expand your infinite capacity, and become all you have the potential to be.

End this year strong and begin next year better!

As we head toward the end of the year, many of us have our eyes fixed on what’s ahead—and that’s a good thing!

In fact, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I believe will be historic opportunities for the people of God in 2019.

However, I want to invite you this week to pause and take stock of how far you’ve come…

  • What has God shown you over the course of the year?
  • What setbacks or hurdles have you overcome?

Give yourself—and God—some credit for where you are now!

Whether you’ve achieved some notable accomplishments, or you’re still climbing what feels like a steep hill…

…if you’re here, you’re still in the game either scoring or about to!

And whether or not you feel like you’re the one making touchdowns…

...if you’re walking in the love of God, you’re part of a winning team.

You are in the world to make a world of difference wherever you are standing.

All you have to do is shine. All you have to do is be the light you are already wired to be—either in your place of work, in your family, or on the street where you’re walking, or driving, or doing business.

Wherever you are in the world, you are there to light it!

It’s like that old saying: “Wherever you go, there you are”—wherever in the world you find yourself is exactly where in the world you are called to be the light.

It’s not complicated.

As human beings, we tend to overcomplicate things. But what we are called to do in this world is quite simple: Walk. In. Love.

Love fulfills all the requirements of religion and the law (see Romans 13:10). In fact, there is nothing that matters more. (See 1 Cor. 13:3.)

Our very faith is founded on and works by love. (See Galatians 5:6.)

“The important thing is faith—the kind of faith that works through love.”
Galatians 5:6 ERV

So as we put another year behind us, and begin dreaming about the next, I invite you to examine your love walk.

What kind of faith are you building your life, goals, dreams, and legacy on?

In fact, let’s talk about the integrity of your faith.

“The integrity of the upright guides them.”
Proverbs 11:3 NIV

Integrity is defined as moral uprightness, virtue, honor, righteousness, and good character.

It is also defined as the state of being whole and undivided—not double-minded or “duplicitous.”

This is important, because we are told in James that those who are double-minded will receive nothing from the Lord. (See James 1:6-8.)

I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping to receive a great deal from the Lord!

“For in Him we live and move and have our being.”
Acts 17:28

We can’t expect to have more until we are willing to become more.

Becoming more in the Kingdom of God begins with character. “Of all the tasks which are set before man in life,” wrote 19th century historian, William Lecky, “the education and management of his character is the most important.”

“And, in order that it should be successfully pursued,” Lecky added:

“It is necessary that he should make a calm and careful survey of his own tendencies, unblinded either by the self-deception which conceals errors and magnifies excellences, or by the indiscriminate pessimism which refuses to recognize his powers for good.”

In other words, take stock of who you are becoming: Be willing to speak the truth to yourself in love (see Ephesians 4:15), remembering God is faithful to complete every good work He begins!

“He who has begun a good work in you will complete it.”
Philippians 1:6

God will complete the good work He has begun in you by building your capacity to walk in greater degrees of honor, righteousness, and love—by strengthening the integrity of your character.

As you prepare to finish this year strong, think about who you are becoming in the process. 

This is your personal brand. That is what will define the legacy you leave, the lives you influence, and the impact you’ll have.

How will God’s love be made known through you…be perfected in you?

“Eagerly pursue and see to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest].”
1 Corinthians 14:1 AMP

Living a life ruled by the love of God is what integrity is all about. It is what opens you up to the favor and blessings and power of God and positions you to transform the atmosphere, environment, and culture around you.

It is how you continually dwell in God’s powerful presence where there is infinite freedom, peace, wisdom, provision, healing, and fullness of joy.

“If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.”
1 John 4:12